District 1 of Area 60 Alcoholics anonymous

It must never be forgotten that the purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is to sober up alcoholics. -Bill W.

September 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes

                                                 SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 District 1 GSR Minutes, Butler Area Opening Session Chuck J. (Present). The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm; Serenity prayer read Tradition 9 and Concept 9 […]

                                                 SEPTEMBER 6, 2023

District 1 GSR Minutes, Butler Area

Opening Session Chuck J. (Present). The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm; Serenity prayer read Tradition 9 and Concept 9 was read.

Roll Call: Heather F. (Present) 17 of 29 G.S.R. attended, 3 of 10 Coordinator’s attended, 3 of 4 officers attended.

*Attached to email.

Secretary’s Report: Heather F. (Present). If you are a new GSR, Coordinator, or if any home group information has changed, please see the Secretary to fill out a Group Change Form.

*If you would like to receive the minutes, please make sure you provide the correct email address.

*All home groups and coordinators, if you have a report or something you would like to have in the minutes you will need to fill out a home group report and give it to the secretary at the district mtg. 

**Home group/event forms–Must be filled out so the secretary gets the correct info.

*Motion to accept August 2023 minutes. The motion was seconded. No discussions or corrections, the minutes were approved.

DCM: Mindy M.  (Absent). *Each month we will review new a topic every month.  It will be handed out for G.S.R.’s to go over with their home groups. No topic for the month of September.

*If any person or home group has a topic they would like to have as a topic to get more information on, please bring it to the district mtg. or you can email Mindy.

*Next area meeting will be Aug. 13th @ 8:30am. 699 Rodi Rd. Pittsburgh PA. All G.S.R.’s are welcome and encouraged to come.   Come 2024 the area meeting will change its location to the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center.

****If there is anyone that will be attending the area meeting on Aug. 13th through the zoom app (PLEASE LET MINDY KNOW SO SHE CAN MAKE SURE SHE HAS A COUNT OF PPL ATTENDING OUR DISTRICT.)


ACTING DCM / Alternate DCM: Chuck J. (Present*The Fall assembly will be Oct.15th That is when all G.S.R.’s have the right to vote.  Strongly suggest you go. It will be on the guidelines.

*The final Area quarterly meeting will be December 3rd. That will also be the last time it will be held at the Comfort Inn on Rodi Road.  After that it will be held at the Masonic Temple in Perrysville.

* The east regional is Nov 17th – 19th in Independence Ohio.  The Northeast Regional conference is in Massachusetts this year.

* The Grapevine has come out with an app. starting September 15th it’s $15.99 per month.

* There’s are 784 groups in our area.

****Next month October the area delegate will be coming to the district meeting to speak to us.  We will be giving him the first half hour of the meeting.  Everyone is welcome to come.  He will be telling us what his position is all about, A.A. members, and all the controversy about the plain text workbook coming out.

** Please note that whoever takes the phone for the month, it is your responsibility to make sure the next person/group that receives the phone gets all the contents that come with it such as the charger and the briefcase. This is important and not fair for others volunteering to have to replace the chargers to be able to answer the phone when someone in need is calling.


Treasure’s Report: Jason G. (Present).  Open Position alternate. 

*A copy of the report is attached to the email.

******The results of the audit where all mostly clinical errors due to not having a treasurer for the first few Months of the year.  The audit concluded that the spreadsheet be rewritten to ensure accuracy and to reflect the bank balance and ledger.  It is attached to the Min.  The audit also concluded that the Names of Home Groups donating be written in the treasures report so that we have a written record.

Motion to accept the Treasurers report—approved.


Answering Service: Sharon B. (Absent). Open Position alternate coordinator. Please remember it is a 24hr. Phone line and to please do your very best to answer.  People call this line sometimes just to ask a question, however sometimes people call because they are in desperation, and we want to always be there when someone reaches out. It does have a call forwarding to her phone in case you are unable. But remember this is a commitment and responsibility that your home group has volunteered for. Also, Sharon may be reaching out to the people that have put their name in the binder for 12 step calls to add their general location so whoever gets a 12-step call can call whoever is closest first.

*  Jan., Easy Does It::  Feb:: Sat. night special ::   March Red Door ::   April Chicken Coop Wed. ::   May Courage to change::   June Butler Concerned Group::   July Serenity Group::  Aug. Night Shift::   Sept. Sobriety Hill 12 & 12:: Oct. Sat. Night Serenity::  Nov. Fourth Dimension::    Dec. N. Main St.   All of 2023 is filled. Thank you everyone for your service.

PI/CPC Coordinator: Garrett E. (Absent). Open Position Alternate coordinator

*No Report

 Hospital Coordinator: Tim E. (Absent) Open Position alternate coordinator.

*January- Saturday Night Special, March- Cabot we accept, April- W. Sunbury Group, May- Serenity Group, June- Red Door, July-4th Dimension, Aug.-K.I.S.S., Oct.-Spiritual experience, Nov.-Spiritual tools, Dec.- Sobriety Hill 12 & 12.

*Looking to fill Sept.

*Fridays from 6pm-7pm arrive 15 min. early. Only 2 ppl. chair & Lead

 Web Chair: Becca (Present) Doug (Present)

 Activities CommitteeDave C: (Present)
 Meets the Mon. prior to district meeting at 6pm St. Peter’s Anglican   Church 218 E. Jefferson St. Butler Next meeting will Oct. 2nd.     Since the gratitude dinner is coming soon and there is a lot to do, they will be meeting every two weeks along with the regular set meeting prior to the district meetings.  The extra meetings will be in the same location on Sept.18th and Oct. 2nd.

* The Gratitude dinner does need donations whether it be already made baskets, stuff for a basket, or $.  Anything is much appreciated. This is a big event for A.A. You should get ahold of Dave to drop off donations or you can drop them off at the November district meeting please.

*The atrium is where the gratitude dinner will be held, $20 tickets, and it’s copass

*Needs support!  Please give him a call if interested. Refer to coordinators # list.

Giaser Addiction Center:  Tawny B. (Present) / Alt. Eric (Present)

*Feb.- Sat. Night Special, March-Night Shift, April-Spiritual tools, June-K.I.S.S., July- Red Door, Sept.-Serenity Group, Oct.- Parker 12&12, Nov.- W. Sunbury, Dec. Mercer Rd.

*Looking for Aug 15th both men and women.

*Tuesdays at 7pm-8pm arrive 15 min. early. You will need to have 2 man and 2 women for each side. Chairperson & Speaker.  If you are unable to find one or the other, please reach out to Tawny so she can see if she can find someone.

Please take it back to your home group if you want to fill a month.

Davis Archway Fred (Present) / Alt. Nidal (Present)

*Sun. 7pm-8pm No vaccinations or masks required.

*So far, since the end of December 2021, there has been a lead meeting at Davis Archway every Sunday night through the end of May2023. Fortunately, sufficient lead speakers have been found and a fresh speaker has been found for every meeting. As it has been difficult to get both a lead and a chair, Fred M. has chaired every meeting to date.

The month of November has been taken over by the Friday Night Solutions group. The months of August and Sept. are still available…  Please take back to your home groups the need for volunteers.

Relations with Davis Archway are good, with full cooperation from the Director, Jessica, and number two, Kim.  The meetings have been well received by the residents.

Meetings are every Sunday at 7pm. The residents at Davis Archway really look forward to these meetings and show gratitude for our efforts to provide them.

Men’s Jail: Brendan L. (Absent)/ Open Position alternate coordinator.

*They need volunteers.

*Must be 1 yr. sober / not on probation or parole.

*Must be approved by the jail and attend orientation.

*Meetings starting at 6:30 must be 15 min. early.

*Books or literature must come from the publisher directly to get to the inmates in the jail.

*Kelly Long is no longer the contact for the jail meetings.  We are waiting to find out who the new contact is.

Only men are able to attend. ––Please take back to home groups.

The prison conducts in Orientation for new volunteers on the first Friday of every month at 9 AM at the prison at that time volunteers complete the form necessary to check their background and they receive instructions on how to comport themselves within the prison available slots for the orientation training are allotted on first come first serve basis to reserve a spot.  Please call or email AA jail coordinator.

 Women’s Jail:  Jess N. (Absent) / Alt. Open

*There has been good attendance at the meeting, so they are looking for more volunteers that are able to commit.

*Same rules for the women’s jail as for the men.

*Meetings Tue. and Fri. @ 7pm must be there 15 min. early.

*The jail has made some housing changes so there have not been any women showing up to the meetings, so they have been calling ahead before driving going.

 Open Positions: Answering Service Alternate—- P.I./C.P.C. Alternate ——Archives both coordinator and alternate—- Hospital Alternate—-Men’s Jail Alternate—-Women’s Jail Alternate

 Old Business:   

  *Motion to postpone any discussion / vote on revised bylaws until Sept. 2023 district meeting. PASSED***It was brought up that some G.S.Rs are concerned about what’s in the bank acct. and feel like it was around 3,000.00 or so after the last Gratitude dinner in Nov. of 2022.  So, they asked to see the bank statements.  The D.C.M. had some that she kept while doing what she could until we voted a new Treasurer in 4 months after the new panel was voted in. At that point the total she got was 1,100.00 or so.   The treasurer said he can pull them up online or have them printed. When he was voted in and allowed on bank acct. it was about 2636.00.   So, the numbers are different, and we do want to find out what is going on.   It was also brought up that we are all responsible at the district level, this is what these meetings are for and why there is a motion after the secretary’s report along with the treasurer’s report.  It is our job as G.S.R.’s to look at all the minutes being sent out every month with all the important info attached with our Home Groups. So that we can hopefully catch errors early on we all have a vote every month.  Also please remember that our current treasurer was not voted in until April which at that point he had a lot of obstacles to cross to even get his name on the acct. along with control of the P.O. box so as we do this let’s remember that no one is perfect, and we all play a part in keeping everything running correctly on the up & up.

** F.Y.I.–We were unable to go over or do anything with the new revised by laws.

New Business:

**Motion to table the Guidelines discussion – passed

***** Please try to have any changes or corrections sent to myself or chuck K. no later than Sept. 20th. That way the A.D.H.O.C. can add whatever the home groups would like to change also.  Then I will send them back out to G.S.R. so they can go over them with their home groups and we will be voting on them in Nov. at the district meeting.

Mark your calendar: Home Group Reports:

          *Jason asked if we would like to continue to get 12 subscriptions of the Grapevine or switch it to 9? We only need 9 but have been giving the jails subscription to the VA. Please take back to your home groups.

  **FREE Deshon lasagna dinner Oct. 14th fellowship @5pm, dinner @6pm, lead @ 7:30pm.  Limited seating.



 *Women’s Wednesday Night – Has changed its name, day, time, and location.  It is now called Women’s Way Out. Meeting on Monday nights at 7:30pm at Glade Run Wellness Center.  Since they are technically a new group their meeting can be on the meeting list, but they will not be able to vote in the district until the new meeting is open for 6 months.

*St. Wendelin Monday night meeting at 8pm could really use support

* Saxonburg Midweek needs support. Still has the best dang donuts in town. (Donut Connection)

* Friday late shift could really use support.

* K.I.S.S. could really use support.

*New meeting called First Steps at First English Lutheran Church Butler PA, Sunday @ 6pm doors open at 5pm. Newcomer’s discussion meeting focusing on the first 3 steps and the traditions.


*Area 60 traveling workshop coming up on Aug 26th Flyer attached

*New meeting called Flight to Sobriety.  Tuesdays, 6:30pm @ Brown Educational Building Nixon United Church 334 Airport Rd. Butler

**Cabot, we Accept, is having their anniversary dinner/meeting.  Monday August 21st   St. Luke Lutheran Church 330 Hannahstown Rd. Cabot PA 160h23

Light dinner @ 6:30pm Lead to follow @ 7:30pm

A motion to close the meeting was made. Seconded. Closed with The Responsibility Declaration followed by the Lord’s Prayer.


 For more information of what is going on in our area, please visit the Area 60 website at www.wpaarea60.org . The next district meeting will be held on OCTOBER 4TH , 2023, at 7:30pm at Glade Run Wellness Center, 123 East Diamond Street Butler, PA 16001. (This is the same location as the Butler Concerned Group A.K.A. the nooner.)


AA – Area 60 – Western PA – Home

Welcome to the website for Area 60 of Western Pennsylvania Alcoholics Anonymous, covering all AA districts and g…



Remember you do not need to be a GSR to attend. Attendance is a great way to see how your local AA works.

Respectfully submitted in love and service,


District One Secretary

Heather F.